Comet Softwares


SMART PA- DOCUMENT MANAGER : A user friendly software for Top Executives to manage the letters and other documents which play a key role in every day business. Now its very easy to locate a document or a letter,a work sheet and other supporting documents when ever you need with this software.It avoids unnessary tension caused as one may find not only the required document very easily but also all its previous relevant documents just by selcting the name of a customer or supplier. It will be very useful in all organizations like Government Organizations,Business,Educational Instituitions and Trusts. Finding Documents by Client Name Finding Documents by Client Name and Document Type Finding Documents by Date Finding Documents by a period(from and to dates) Out-Going Letters Report usage: single as well as multi user USEFUL TO: EXECUTIVES,OFFICE MANAGERS,MARKETING AND SALES MANAGERS Implementation: We will provide orientation in this software.

Accounting and MIS for a Auto dealer. A User friendly software to cover all major operations like selling autos(new and second hand) in instalments,expenses accounting etc..The company arranges finance from third party also.So their account too to be maintained. When one wishes to know about an auto by typing its Engine Number and Chasis number a report will be generated to give all details(previous sale details)as the company is engaged mainly in selling second hand auto. MIS: Reports on daily,weekly,fort night and monthly basis on delivery,booking autos forsales,cash received and paid,expenses,buyer account,instalment account etc.. All generated using JTable and Dynamic Arrays.

Library Automation

A user friendly software which covers all major library operations like
resource classfications both U.D.C and COLON
resource indent
purchase order
fining the delayed returns
books binding-sending and receiving
a number of most needed reports like user history
resource history
resource return due
user reports on the basis of department and many more.
Library Users will have a separate menu through which one may search a particular resource depending on author,title, subject,index etc...

Office Automation for Educational Institutions
A User friendly software to cover all major operations like

Application Registration
Fees Collection
Marks maintenance
Hostel accounting and any other operation client wishs to include will be included at some extra cost.

Various reports required at different levels of management like Chairperson,directors, principal,finance officer,hod,class advisors,staff collecting fees,maintaining attendance and Parents are provided. Reports can be integrated with your website and made as secured so that the parents of a student can see the report of his son/daughter by typing a valid user id and password.